–Passion for what you do and your dedication to quality are the elements that enabled you to go from a guy in a garage to an international company.
Just got this note from a happy customer and it made our day. Thought we'd share:
As the owner of a small business myself I know the challenges you faced and the risk you took in the beginning and each step along the way.
Passion for what you do and your dedication to quality are the elements that enabled you to go from a guy in a garage to an international company. The old saying "build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door" comes to mind and you have certainly built the ultimate "mousetrap" in your products and services.
I congratulate you and everyone at VV for doing something you can be proud to put your name on every day. I have a mantra that I believe is true, "very few people are good at what they do". VV is a great exception to this and you should all be very proud of what you have accomplished and what you continue to accomplish everyday. You have elevated the playing field and the keyboard players of the world are better off for it. Keep up the good work.