Fender Rhodes Bridle Straps

Fender Rhodes Bridle Straps
Fender Rhodes Bridle Straps
Vintage Vibe®

Fender Rhodes Bridle Straps

Regular price $1.50 $0.00 Unit price per

Bridle straps are what hold your damper to your hammer which allow ringing of tines as well as dampening of tines. Purchase a new set today!

Product Details



Bridle straps are a crucial part of a piano's dampening system. Think of them as tethers between the hammers and dampers. When the hammer swings up to hit the tine, the bridle strap pulls the damper down, allowing the tine to ring after being struck. As the key is released, the hammer falls and the damper returns to its position and stops the tine from further ringing.

By now, your electric piano is likely 40-50 years old and if the bridle straps are still original, they are probably showing some wear. As they age, bridle straps tend to stretch, tear and will eventually break. A stretched bridle strap can affect damper adjustment, causing "blocking", which often can be misdiagnosed as double striking.

Sold individually or in packs of 73 or 88.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
yoko ono
works perfect

Was a little timid on performing this service on a 73 key mk1 but it was rather painless and solved all my sluggish damper arms paired with fresh arms from VK. totally roolz.

Tom Dazey

everything was awesome!

Dan Okano
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Gary Dennis Wood
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Roberto Gonzalez
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