Clavinet Key Springs

Clavinet Key Springs
Purchase brand new springs for your Clavinet Keys! Available individually or as a set.
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Key slow to return or does not come up all the way? Key resistance feel uneven? New key springs are the answer.
Our key Springs are made in New Jersey USA with exacting tight tolerances from one spring to the next, for the most even feel across your beloved Clavinet. Your action is about to feel so much better, get ready to groove.
Reality: Fatigued, worn and stretched out key springs are common in vintage Hohner Clavinets. This wear affects the feel, response, and repetition of the playing action. With new key springs, tips and key bushings you can make the action like new, even on an old beat up Clavinet. That's the good news!!
Sold individually or in a kit of 62 pieces.
Natural keys use the silver springs while the Flat keys utilize the darker springs.